About Us

Who the heck are we? Electrify Central Ohio is the brainchild of Andy Leber and Madeline Fleisher, two clean energy geeks who realized that not everyone in the world actually likes spending hours trying to figure out how to effectively reduce their personal carbon footprint. We don’t know exactly what this effort will end up looking like, but our goal is to help people in central Ohio who want to make the switch to clean energy at home to make their own concrete plan and share resources available for carrying it out. Wish us luck!

  • Andy Leber

    Andy is a psychology professor at The Ohio State University, specializing in cognitive neuroscience. He also serves as co-organizer of Sustainable Grandview.

  • Madeline Fleisher

    Madeline works as senior environmental counsel for Owens Corning. She blogs and/or rants more about clean energy issues at her website, the Climate Smart Handbook.